Hello, I'm Morizuki
I'm a 2D artist who specializes in Live2D rigging!Welcome to my Commission Page, I offer Live2D Services, like animated Live2D wallpaper, and rigging a Live2D model.
I also know an artist who's worked with me that offers Live2D art in order to sync the model perfectly.If you're interested in ordering my service, you can go here.
Contact Me Via:
Term of Service
For whatever reason, I have the right to refuse service to anyone.My work cannot be used, uploaded, or sold as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or any other kind of cryptocurrency.I don't consent to AI learning using my work.I am the sole and complete owner of the original artwork. I'm allowed to share it or include it into my portfolio.The commission may be reposted with proper attribution (a tag or a link to one of my socials).Unless otherwise specified, commissioned art is only for non-commercial uses (a commercial fee will be added). Commissions for Live2D models are exempt from this.My work may not be sold again without first getting my permission.It's against the law to distribute the files again and claim the artwork as your own.Do not make any changes to the work you have been given without first consulting me. On Vtube Studio, changing models' models (items, part colors, etc.), filters, and icons is acceptable.Prices may change at any time, without prior warning.You must let me know as soon as possible if you require the priority on your commission. The addition of a rush fee.I hold the right to withdraw at any moment. I'll make a statement outlining my decision to revoke the commission and give a refund. All services, including those for present or future commissions, may be refused as a result of inappropriate behavior.II. LIVE2D
There is no first-come, first-served policy for Live2D Commissions. There is no assurance of slots.Use of the model is permitted with due attribution (a tag or a link to one of my socials).Live2D Commissions are classified as commercial work, therefore as long as credit is given, you may use the model for streaming, content creation, etc.I reserve the right to publish commissions and showcases on my website and social media. If you want to keep the model private, kindly let me know.You must submit a ready to rig (psd) file for commissions that simply require rigging. A cost might be imposed if additional trimming is necessary.Please get in touch with me if you need to upgrade, add, or make changes to your model.No source file will be provided by the default unless you've negotiated it with me first, adittional charge will occurs.III. PAYMENTI accept PayPal invoice payments.I accept payment in advance. You can request that I pay half of the whole amount up advance and the remaining amount when you've given me the finished item.Prices are offered in either USD or IDR.No refunds or chargebacks, unless the project's development is less than 20%, is the refund policy.IV. PROCESSFor updates, please get in touch with me at any moment! I typically finish a commission in 2 weeks to 1 month (or up to 2 months for T3+ Vtuber models).Changes and extra alterations are always welcome, but the cost of those edits is something we may talk about at any time.
Untuk alasan apapun, saya memiliki hak untuk menolak layanan kepada siapa pun.Karya saya tidak dapat digunakan, diunggah, atau dijual sebagai non-fungible token (NFT) atau mata uang kripto jenis apa pun.Saya tidak menyetujui pembelajaran AI menggunakan karya saya.Saya adalah pemilik tunggal dan lengkap dari karya seni asli. Saya diizinkan untuk membagikannya atau memasukkannya ke dalam portofolio saya.Komisi dapat diposting ulang dengan atribusi yang tepat (tag atau tautan ke salah satu media sosial saya).Kecuali ditentukan lain, seni pesanan hanya untuk penggunaan non-komersial (biaya komersial akan ditambahkan). Komisi untuk model Live2D dikecualikan dari ini.Karya saya tidak boleh dijual lagi tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapatkan izin saya. Adalah melanggar hukum untuk mendistribusikan file lagi dan mengklaim karya seni sebagai milik Anda.Jangan membuat perubahan apa pun pada pekerjaan yang telah diberikan kepada Anda tanpa terlebih dahulu berkonsultasi dengan saya. Di Vtube Studio, mengubah model model (item, warna bagian, dll.), filter, dan ikon dapat diterima.Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, tanpa peringatan sebelumnya.Anda harus memberi tahu saya sesegera mungkin jika Anda membutuhkan prioritas pada komisi Anda. Penambahan biaya terburu-buru.Saya memegang hak untuk menarik diri kapan saja. Saya akan membuat pernyataan yang menguraikan keputusan saya untuk mencabut komisi dan memberikan pengembalian dana. Semua layanan, termasuk untuk komisi saat ini atau di masa mendatang, dapat ditolak sebagai akibat dari perilaku yang tidak pantas.II. LIVE2D
Tidak ada kebijakan siapa cepat dia dapat untuk Komisi Live2D, Tidak ada jaminan slot.Penggunaan model diizinkan dengan atribusi yang tepat (tag atau tautan ke salah satu media sosial saya).Komisi Live2D diklasifikasikan sebagai karya komersial, oleh karena itu selama kredit diberikan, Anda dapat menggunakan model untuk streaming, pembuatan konten, dll.Saya berhak untuk menerbitkan komisi dan memamerkan di situs web dan media sosial saya. Jika Anda ingin merahasiakan modelnya, beri tahu saya.Anda harus mengirimkan file ready to rig (psd) untuk komisi yang hanya membutuhkan kecurangan. Biaya mungkin dikenakan jika pemangkasan tambahan diperlukan.Silakan hubungi saya jika Anda perlu meningkatkan, menambah, atau membuat perubahan pada model Anda.Tidak ada file sumber yang akan disediakan secara default kecuali Anda telah menegosiasikannya dengan saya terlebih dahulu, biaya tambahan akan dikenakan.III. PAYMENTSaya menerima pembayaran faktur PayPal.Saya menerima pembayaran di muka. Anda dapat meminta saya membayar setengah dari seluruh jumlah di muka dan jumlah yang tersisa ketika Anda telah memberi saya barang jadi.Harga ditawarkan dalam USD atau IDR.Tidak ada pengembalian uang atau tolak bayar, kecuali pengembangan proyek kurang dari 20%, adalah kebijakan pengembalian uang.IV. PROCESSUntuk pembaruan, silakan hubungi saya kapan saja! Saya biasanya menyelesaikan komisi dalam 2 minggu hingga 1 bulan (atau hingga 2 bulan untuk model T3+ Vtuber).Perubahan dan perubahan ekstra selalu diterima, tetapi biaya pengeditan tersebut adalah sesuatu yang dapat kami bicarakan kapan saja.
after you've read my ToS, and agree with all of my conditions. you may go to my pricing list
this is my Live2D works collection that has already been done by me.
Affiliated Team
Before ordering an Art + Rig commission, you can choose the artist who teamed up with me. The price may vary depending on their average base prices. you can contact they first for the pricing details by clicking the pictures.
When you're about to order my Art + Rig Service, Fear_Sense will be in charge of making the artwork model by default because he was the most experienced on this. Unless you want a different art style, I will contact the artist first.
Salty Sugar
Salty Sugar is one of my artwork teams that is in charge of making Live2D models or normal artwork commissions.
Drexu is specialized in making live 2D models, which I've teamed up with recently. He has an understanding of making live 2D as a professional.
ZrAky is one of my artwork teams that is in charge of making Live2D models commissions.